Sunday, June 17, 2007

Poem-- The Mask

People in this world have a general tendency to act out and showcase an image that completely differs from their true existence. Though it is advisable to a certain extent, the problems arise when people get attached to these self-projections and forget who they truly are. This s the underlying principal that the poet stresses on in the following verses. In this treacherous and wretched world, it is often necessary to wear a mask to achieve certain ends. But in the eagerness to put on a dazzling skit, he must not lose track of what he truly is. After trying endlessly to get people to believe in the myth, the individual himself starts to believe in it, and ends up being just a farce. Finally at some point the illusions that he has created for himself break under the overwhelming burden of truth and he suffers further the agony of realization and defeat. Thus the poet urges the individual to always be in sync with reality and save himself this otherwise inescapable cycle of misery.

The Mask

In the world of illusions,
Everybody is busy with or without any task,
Just putting on a mask,
as life ends up being just a farce.

The scenes play out on the greatest stage,
as we walk through life's crowded lanes.
We hasten to complete the unfinished tasks,
ever in life , we put on many masks.

As we enjoy the world of illusions,
an illusion itself we end up being,
Endlessly we sift through many delusions,
from reality we end up constantly fleeing.

Its fear that strikes us, lest the mask fall,
and our true face be revealed to all,
So endlessly we strive to preserve the illusion,
in the end ourselves we loose in its delusion.

As we travel far on the roads of life,
we ever put on a different face,
With time the lines now blur and blend,
as our once true face the masks replace

In the confusion and chaos of life thus,
we finally loose trace of what we are,
Pretensions are the only thing left to us,
our lives are nothing but a lively farce.

So heed my words, though they may scar,
accept yourself the way you are.
Sometimes the world may need a mask,
but shed it after you finish the task.

So listen up now, I will be precise
Discard forever the false pretensions,
Take a look at your self, you will realize
that reality differs much from your perception.


Ajinkya Mate

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