Sunday, June 17, 2007

Philosophy Has Its Uselessness

OK many people would disagree with me on this issue and seeing that most of my blog posting s are philosophical in nature, would make out me to be a hypocrite. But thats not the case, and well i don't care anyways :) so the thing that i wanted to state was that Philosophy if not backed up by any action is completely useless. Everyday i see people around me philosophize on life and take out grand conclusions about life and more, telling other people (who can bear with them) what life is all about.. Hell That makes me laugh,
philosophy is nothing but the intellectual pondering done by some very brainy and intellectual people(not necessarily intelligent people) on their take on things. and sometimes although it sounds very appealing and interesting, its nothing but hot air if not backed appropriately by action...

As a person once said,.. Philosophy is nothing but a series of thoughts that lead from nowhere to nothing. so even though they may sound great , they may inspire you, they may leave you ecstatic for the moment.. . they lead you nowhere and leave you with nothing more than awe.
So the one thing thats most important in life is action.. Creativity.. without which life is just like an empty shell.. and Creativity backed up by an intelligent philosophy really does wonders..

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