Sunday, June 17, 2007

Poem-- In Lieu Of Prospice

As we live our day to day lives, the general tendency of man is to always look ahead towards opportunities that he can use to his profit. Though this is advisable to some extent, the thing that man does not realize is that ultimately in lieu of prospice he is loosing the one thing, the absence of which is the root cause of desire, and that is peace. Man today is missing the peace and satisfaction in his life. In order to run after bigger and better things in the future, he is totally spoiling his present. And the present is, in reality, the only time he lives. Thus foregoing the pursuit of peace and satisfaction, he’s is always engaged in pursuing more materialistic things that in the end will yield him with nothing but shallow pleasure and not immeasurable bliss...

In Lieu of Prospice

Riding high through the roads of life,
It yield me nothing but pain and strife
goal after goal i toiled on unceased.
In the lieu of prospice I lost my peace.

From the moment I begin my day,
I think of nothing but mundane chores,
I fail to hear the bird singing so gay,
I fail to see the waves crash on the shores.

I power through my life, looking ever ahead,
never stopping once to look at myself,
Ever I lamented for what I lost,
Never did I enjoy the summer and the frost.

I thought myself to be always right,
in my way of life, I took much pride,
tearing through life till its very end,
never did I enjoy one single moment.

I thought to myself what had transpired,
against me god himself had conspired.
I failed to acknowledge who the real culprit was,
it was too late, I was in death's claws

My life was over, if ever I lived,
Death felt nearer, I felt relieved,
to me life's lesson was loud and clear,
always appreciate the present, its ever there.

I summed up my life, it’s hardly a tale,
My assets and prizes have all gone stale.
Live in every moment and feel the divine mist
In peace there's eternity, that’s life's gist.


Ajinkya Mate

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