Sunday, June 17, 2007

Impersonal Introspection

Well , as my blog is described as an impersonal rendition of life, i thought that it would be but natural for me to describe some impersonal things over here. The word impersonal in this context does not mean non-private or non-personal in any way. It just means taking the personal Ego out of the(e) equation..get my drift. On doing so, you will find that you get answers to many questions in your life and frankly, there comes a point where questions cease to exist. The Ego is in fact a wonderful and intricate thing to behold. (we will be referring to it in third person) and thats saying something as its the root of most of man's problems. Man continually feeds his Ego with his supposed perceptions about himself and the society. The society itself is in no way the innocent preceptor, as it also continually, through its conditioning, molds the individual's Ego. This same Ego, prevents man from making honest and impersonal judgments about himself. He in turn goes out and judges the rest of the society, considering himself to be above judgment. This pattern is followed by nearly ninety percent of the people.
This egotistic nature prevents man to progress down the spiritual path. he cannot interrogate himself freely without feeling very bad about himself, which naturally he does not like. This in turn results in the individual stopping the interrogation and looking outwards, rather than inwards. He feels it necessary to place the blame on others rather than himself. Thus in the end, he solves no problems, but only increases his headaches by bickering about them. The onnyl way out of this quagmire is the relentless and continuous impersonal introspection from the indivual himslef. This must include the person totally taking his Ego out of the equation and finding the answers to the problems he faces within himself. Chances are that he will find them, as most of the time he himself is the cause of those problems. He must continuously burn himself in the fires of relentless introspection. Though he will face intolerable pain in the beginning, as his true face comes to light, the results, believe me will be worth it.

More Later...

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