Monday, December 10, 2007

O Lone Tramp

O Lone Tramp

O Lonely tramp, a word to warn thy heart,
as you now unravel, the mystery,’ tis a bart,
For greater wisdom and power it shall beget,
and leave you alone it shall on the lively wreck.

The path of realization, is paved with blood,
that you shed silently, though your life it floods,
And the world when it turns to you, at every fit,
in your heart you bleed a river, though none see it.

For though you may end up to be, the greatest of all,
and you may save and mend, many a deathly fall,
Still the weight of all your burdens none can bear,
As you take on the weight, of each of the worlds cares.

And the world shall know it not, and they never shall,
see the bloody heart, for they stand in thrall,
of their own lives, that lead them far away,
from the heavenly father, they ever stand in sway.

For they ever remain within, their own selves,
and they realize not, whither their qualms dwell,
As they seek each and every answer from thy heart,
ever they fail to know, its unhealed healing art.

But you know better for your own self this,
that your heart bleeds for them though, seldom missed
They live out a happy dream, with winning smiles,
for you walk with a bleeding heart, all their dark miles.

And they shall know it not, till the end of all ends,
a place where, with time, all hurts may mend,
and there perchance, your heart may stand at last,
bereft of its sorrow, as it breathes its last.

And the pain that you bore, with yourself to the end,
shall mar you not for its not yours but was lent,
to you as you bore it for those that you loved,
and in their smiles your heart was healed of its qualms.

And know this in the end, o great king of kings,
in your greater self, I spread my meager wings.
And my heart though now it bleeds, at peace it remains,
for thy robe shall be spared of a few more stains.

Ajinkya Mate

Saturday, November 17, 2007

My Hall

As we live tis life, we always feel a constant need for an obsession, a possession around which we can shape and style our life. In our heart we always yearn for an image that we could cherish and love forever. Still at some point in our life, we find out that we can never satisfy our heart and its endless thirst through these illusions. For that what they truly are, shallow illusions, in which we find our happiness and our purpose of life. And if that one thing, for which we would turn away from God Himself, is lost to us, our life becomes a living fallacy.
The poet in these lines truly understands, that at one point in his life, he must abandon all the illusions and all the images in his heart if he is to truly remain happily ever after...


My palatial hall lies now empty and lone,
Gone are the minstrels and the figures of stone,
Gone are the jesters, and the lights that shone,
At the end, in my hall, I stand alone.

The days of exuberance, that once reigned supreme,
its grandeur and elegance, immortal i deemed.
But time dealt a blow, more crushing than it seemed
and disaster struck swiftly, unexpected , unseen.

IN those halls so rich, i indulged many more,
too late was its treachery brought to the fore.
In those hall so rich, i died a million times,
yet i still preferred to walk the same lines.

IN those halls i courted many mistresses demure,
downed and dunked, was I by their endless lure.
but in then as i stand lone, i am now sure,
that all it did was to kill, my will so pure.

IN those halls, where my soul found its true wealth,
endlessly as i indulged, it died a million deaths.
IN those deaths itself, it found a new life,
as ignorant of the battles, i walk the edge of the knife.

With time though the halls seemed a bit redundant,
for i could only indulge so much and then abandon.
But my heart now seeked its peace naught in lust or greed,
as in it now sprouted, fresh love's seed.

And for that moment, my hall was filled with one,
save for her, i now had eyes for none.
My soul willed itself, to let me live this lie,
as it knew one day, my aspirations had to die.

And i enjoyed and was happy like never before,
as i forgot and forgave myself for my acts of yore,
A clumsy peace i had sought with my heart,
for i feared to lose that which loved like an art.

The peace though restless lived out its days,
as we both went again in our different ways.
Once again i said, we shall meet under the sun,
when both our hearts, yearn for not but the One.

My sights now set on the one above,
once who i thought would shower me with love.
but in that moment i felt forever stalled,
for gone was the will, and now empty was my hall.

In that moment fraught with evil and peril great,
I felt Him come for me, with a kingly gait.
I had no words, as my face with shame burned,
though for those pretentious halls, i no longer yearned.

And He said to me,"All for you is not lost",
for redemption in itself, comes at great cost.
But lost was my heart as i gazed in the stream,
for disdain filled me at the sight of my hollow dreams.

But he said to me, "Redeem yourself you will",
for in realisation only lies forgiveness still.
He steadied my heart with His gentle calls,
as His image so divine filled my listless hall.

But he said to me, a new age shall dawn soon,
for you shall know the whole secret at your doom.
and then you shall relate to me the tale of your fall,
and if you still felt a need, to fill your empty hall.

And now when i stand at the turn of my life,
and the game take a new turn with a roll of the dice.
for the lack of an illusion no longer stalls my heart,
as my Hall now lies empty as it was since the start.

Ajinkya Mate

Monday, June 18, 2007

Epilogue of the book

In today’s world, human life is slowly getting monotonous and redundant. At a single glance at humanity, we feel that the individual is moving away from his roots, from his existence and from the truth that binds his very body together. In his haste to endlessly achieve materialistically, the individual is somewhat forgetting his loftier purpose of communion with God. This undertaking is a humble yet cautioning reminder to the individual to go seek out the real and everlasting treasure, the procuring of which, shall yield him immeasurable bliss and infinite peace. Only through relentless and continuous self-interrogation and devotion to the One, can anybody achieve this. Therefore today embark on a journey to rediscover yourself, to know yourself and to live in perfect harmony with yourself and with others. Today set out on a journey to realize the final expression of undefined divinity that we call God. The One that resides in all of us and yet the One who we all seldom find within. Today let’s make a pledge to fulfill our divine motive as we live through our daily lives…

May God and Guru help us All…

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Poem-- The Mask

People in this world have a general tendency to act out and showcase an image that completely differs from their true existence. Though it is advisable to a certain extent, the problems arise when people get attached to these self-projections and forget who they truly are. This s the underlying principal that the poet stresses on in the following verses. In this treacherous and wretched world, it is often necessary to wear a mask to achieve certain ends. But in the eagerness to put on a dazzling skit, he must not lose track of what he truly is. After trying endlessly to get people to believe in the myth, the individual himself starts to believe in it, and ends up being just a farce. Finally at some point the illusions that he has created for himself break under the overwhelming burden of truth and he suffers further the agony of realization and defeat. Thus the poet urges the individual to always be in sync with reality and save himself this otherwise inescapable cycle of misery.

The Mask

In the world of illusions,
Everybody is busy with or without any task,
Just putting on a mask,
as life ends up being just a farce.

The scenes play out on the greatest stage,
as we walk through life's crowded lanes.
We hasten to complete the unfinished tasks,
ever in life , we put on many masks.

As we enjoy the world of illusions,
an illusion itself we end up being,
Endlessly we sift through many delusions,
from reality we end up constantly fleeing.

Its fear that strikes us, lest the mask fall,
and our true face be revealed to all,
So endlessly we strive to preserve the illusion,
in the end ourselves we loose in its delusion.

As we travel far on the roads of life,
we ever put on a different face,
With time the lines now blur and blend,
as our once true face the masks replace

In the confusion and chaos of life thus,
we finally loose trace of what we are,
Pretensions are the only thing left to us,
our lives are nothing but a lively farce.

So heed my words, though they may scar,
accept yourself the way you are.
Sometimes the world may need a mask,
but shed it after you finish the task.

So listen up now, I will be precise
Discard forever the false pretensions,
Take a look at your self, you will realize
that reality differs much from your perception.


Ajinkya Mate

Poem-- Emotions

The poet in the following lines metaphorically equates emotions with the waves of the Ocean. Emotions in our life hold the highest regard. We are always intent on giving our emotions undue importance and consequently the results reflect in the way we react to different situations. In our lives, we think that emotions are of utmost importance, and in that same delusion, we fail to regard any situation dispassionately and appropriately. Our emotions ever cloud our better, impartial judgment. Thus we go on living life on basis of recurrent whims. The poet here exhorts the individual to understand that his emotions are not all that there is to himself, and that he must learn to understand them and thus be above them. For emotions are often equated with fools, who end up being someone else's tools...


Oceans have relation with earth
as emotions have with life
Oceans ebb with the tide and
Emotions swell with the tide.

There was once a time, the world thought,
there was no land beyond the seas,
But to this day we are all distraught,
as forever we go on emotional sprees

Emotions are nothing but a momentary surge,
tender, passionate or dark they may be,
Emotions are winds that take you on the verge,
as you sail endlessly on the dangerous seas.

We hold them highest in life's fraction
emotions ever dictate our line of action,
Forever are we scarred by our resulting acts,
its time to dispassionately regard the facts.

As we run through the paces of life,
as we struggle to overcome the tides of fate,
The emotions swell to dizzying heights
as they make us increasingly irate.

So cognize them for what they are,
nothing more than a momentary surge,
Let them not leave you with lifelong scars
so be ever balanced, I rightly urge.

The time is now to make a pact,
as you bravely sail over the torrential oceans
Before you set out for the divine abstract,
realize that life still lies beyond emotions


Ajinkya Mate

Poem-- The Pendulum

Man in this world seldom lives in the present. Ever our thoughts stray to the past or the future. We visualize great dreams as we think of that which, as of yet, has not come to pass. Similarly we also think of the past, and the blows that time dealt us. Ever we wallow in old memories relishing or despising them as per our convenience. We never let go of the past or the future. In this paradox, the time that we live in, the only moment in which we truly exist, our present, is lost to us. And consequently so is the future. Thus in the equation of life, Time itself is lost to us. Therefore the key to a truly blissful existence is to ever live in the present and not in the past or the future. The gist of the following poem can thus be conveyed in three simple lines...
Live in the Present, Don’t overlook the Past & Be mindful of the Future.

The Pendulum

The Pendulum of Life swings left and right,
Past and Future with a slight curvature,
Amplitude proportional to attitude,
and the rapidness with thy nature

As we walk through life, day to day,
we ever think of what was, what could be,
Endlessly through thoughts we often stray,
just like a pendulum, we ever sway.

We hope for the future and we curse the past,
never ever being in the golden moment,
Ever we count what we gained and lost,
never ever enjoying the moment that just passed,

The past forever is lost to us,
the future is hidden behind a blur
The moment we live is only ours, thus
ever live in it, the essence of divine myrrh.

Forever we need to live in the present,
as its the only way to live forever,
Ourselves we must endlessly reinvent
as we get the gist of our lofty endeavor

The day the pendulum finally stops,
will be the day you move a step closer
realizing forever what you are,
and finally seek out the divine treasure.

The cosmic dream with its nuances fine,
will remain a mystery ever to you
Till the day, for you time itself sublimes.
then you will ever be fresh as the morning dew,
You the drunk, you the bottle, you the wine
As you ever rejoice in the essence divine.


Ajinkya Mate

Poem-- Pond River Ocean

The poet in the following verses has tried to describe the different stages of spiritual development of the aspiring soul. The habits and tendencies of the individual are appropriately depicted as three water bodies through varied stages of progression. Most of us live their life like a pond, unmoving, murky and unchanging with no spark of brilliance within. But with the soul-awakening touch of the divine guru, subtle transformations take place in the life of the individual as his life force now starts to flow towards the infinite One. He then experiences unending and immeasurable bliss, which frankly cannot be equated with anything that he has experienced previously. Finally there comes a day when the almighty sends for him, and the soul and super soul are united in perfect harmony as the free-flowing river finally merges into the infinite blue Ocean of peaceful eternity.

Pond River Ocean

Pond River Ocean,
Past Present Future,
Know thy nature,
To seek the treasure.

The path of life, has stages varied,
Pond River and Ocean, it's the way life goes,
The waters must flow ever unharried,
for at the very end, the divine light glows.

I recall the day, I was but a pond,
without a ripple over the murky surface,
For sweet release and freedom ever I longed
and for His everlasting embrace.

My prayer was granted, now I freely flowed,
ecstasy and bliss etched in my being,
Intuitively now I was endowed,
as I discovered for what I was living.

The ocean still lay miles beyond me,
though ever I thought of nothing more,
The bird ever resilient was not yet free,
I was many a mile form the golden shores.

The time was now, I rightly thought,
to meditate and ponder over ways bygone,
There was one lesson if ever life taught,
Know thy-self, from self be withdrawn.

The river freely flowed over mountains and plains
to me they all now seemed the same,
ever I was replenished by the occasional rains,
I knew for me, He had finally came.

The Pond was my past, the ocean my future,
forever now I shall be uncut and whole,
Ever rejoices now my golden soul,
as I finally sublime in him, my timeless goal.


Ajinkya Mate

Poem-- The Meadow

The following poem describes very appropriately the condition of the devotee who has walked a certain distance on the path that leads to self-realization. The individual who has finally risen above the gross and mundane realms of the physical world and has now started to appreciate the nuances of the much finer and subtle astral world. The individual for whom one of the three veils as been lifted and thus he is able to perceive the light and truth clearer than ever. This poem also stresses that the devotee even though having undertaken a remarkable journey is still not at his destination... And the reason being that in the end there is no destination. What finally awaits him is limitless eternity.

The Meadow

The Pastures, the hedge, and beyond the hedge
Beyond the hedge is the sledge,
Leading up to the divine cage.

The map of life is nothing but a meadow,
and we are the ones walking in it,
We take the pastures to be our abode,
ever putting on a handsome skit.

The pastures delight us endlessly,
still we look ever for something else,
Carelessly though we stroll through them,
the pastures lead on to some place else.

One day as I stroll'd beyond beck and call,
I caught a glimpse of an endless hedge,
The pastures were no endless world after all,
miles still lay beyond the ledge.

There came one day, the pastures felt dull,
I yearned to see the world beyond,
For me the hedge was a stepping stone,
to begin the journey that lay beyond.

I stood beyond, and gazed at the pastures,
empty and lifeless, now they were to me.
The beauty of the world till now unseen
was apparent, as I saw the cosmic dream.

I journeyed further, though I felt not weary,
The divine will now guiding my soul,
I left behind the things, I held so dearly,
the ultimate desire, filled my whole.

The golden sledge lead me through,
as I neared to exit the maze,
the bodily walls, I had outgrew
as steadily I approached the divine cage.

The journey was still not at an end
divine though this cage was,
in divinity forever I had to blend,
t'was the reason I had left the boughs.

I smiled and now rested a while,
silently viewing the cosmic dream
I have still to travel many a mile,
before I flow as one with the divine stream.


Ajinkya Mate

Poem-- Beauty

Beauty.. This very single word brings into our mind a myriad of visuals. But through all of the impressions of beauty, none can define it. That’s what comprises the theme of this poem. Beauty is nothing but the truth behind the entire cosmic dream that we are all a part of. Beauty is nothing but the super soul or the cosmic consciousness that every devotee aspires to in deep meditation. Beauty is nothing but the cosmic will of His ideas that holds the entire cosmos together. Beauty is nothing but the divine truth that is superfluous and deathless.. That which has no beginning... that which can never end. Beauty is what resides in each and every one of us. Beauty is what we fail to see when we behold each and every one of us. Beauty is what we are made of, Beauty is wherein we shall die, and Beauty is wherein we shall live forever...


Beauty is the truth on the horizon of the dream,
it seems to increase endlessly,
Uncut, untouched yet perfectly defined,
beyond the horizons of the divided mind.

Endless and timeless, stretching forever,
its the pot of gold at the rainbow's end,
Disfigured impressions of it we are,
the shades of life, we have to transcend.

It fills the void, endlessly still,
till the void itself exists no more,
Its the thought that forever fills the time
and endlessly flows, shore to shore.

Its hard to define, though it is perfection,
a timeless virgin you have to be,
No words can touch its flawless projection
its only for the deserving to see.

It fills the entire cosmos and more,
its in the seas, its in the shores,
Timeless and deathless its a golden stream
we are but figments of it's endless dream,

It’s what constitutes all.
from the worthless shells, to the golden cores,
The prison walls at the end must fall,
from the physical halls through the astral doors

So sleep no more its time to awaken,
immortality flows through the divine nectar,
Follow the light as it endlessly gleams,
Beauty is the truth of the endless dream.


Ajinkya Mate

Poem-- In Lieu Of Prospice

As we live our day to day lives, the general tendency of man is to always look ahead towards opportunities that he can use to his profit. Though this is advisable to some extent, the thing that man does not realize is that ultimately in lieu of prospice he is loosing the one thing, the absence of which is the root cause of desire, and that is peace. Man today is missing the peace and satisfaction in his life. In order to run after bigger and better things in the future, he is totally spoiling his present. And the present is, in reality, the only time he lives. Thus foregoing the pursuit of peace and satisfaction, he’s is always engaged in pursuing more materialistic things that in the end will yield him with nothing but shallow pleasure and not immeasurable bliss...

In Lieu of Prospice

Riding high through the roads of life,
It yield me nothing but pain and strife
goal after goal i toiled on unceased.
In the lieu of prospice I lost my peace.

From the moment I begin my day,
I think of nothing but mundane chores,
I fail to hear the bird singing so gay,
I fail to see the waves crash on the shores.

I power through my life, looking ever ahead,
never stopping once to look at myself,
Ever I lamented for what I lost,
Never did I enjoy the summer and the frost.

I thought myself to be always right,
in my way of life, I took much pride,
tearing through life till its very end,
never did I enjoy one single moment.

I thought to myself what had transpired,
against me god himself had conspired.
I failed to acknowledge who the real culprit was,
it was too late, I was in death's claws

My life was over, if ever I lived,
Death felt nearer, I felt relieved,
to me life's lesson was loud and clear,
always appreciate the present, its ever there.

I summed up my life, it’s hardly a tale,
My assets and prizes have all gone stale.
Live in every moment and feel the divine mist
In peace there's eternity, that’s life's gist.


Ajinkya Mate

Poem--The Journey

The journey of life that man leads through is a journey of unceasing interrogation on his part. To all the question that arise in his mind about his fortunes and his conditions, he looks outwards for the answers. He blames the people around him when he is unsatisfied and angry. He feels that the entire cosmos is hell bent to destroy him. But when he turns his attention inwards, he recognizes that he himself is the root of all his problems and all his queries. Through sheer impersonal introspection he finally gets the answers to his questions and he is resultantly satisfied to a point that the questions cease to exist permanently. This is the underlying principle of meditation that every aspiring devotee must pursue.. Impersonal Introspection.

The Journey

The Roads go on and on,
unknown to me, many goals they spawn,
This journey if I take will have no end,
Where would I rest to ease my pain?

The questions unanswered will remain so,
The goals, worthless, they shall be,
The roads now lead nowhere no more,
all the answers I shall find in me.

My journey is at an end,
as the questions cease to exist,
in myself I found all the answers,
In myself, the road now ends.

Answered now were, my questions of yore.
I had to search for them in myself,
The roads taught me nothing more,
Just that as it began, the journey ends in myself.


Ajinkya Mate

Poem-- The Endless Road

The various journeys that man takes up in his life often lead him someplace that he never meant to go. The ways and means he uses to achieve his ends are not always in accordance to his principles. But still man powers through life thinking that the only way he can get through it is by winning at each and every chance. But still through all this, the one thing he does not comprehend is what it costs to himself. What he gains when he loses his satisfaction? Where ultimately do these roads lead him in the journey of life? This poem is based on the aforesaid lines...

The Endless Road

In this world, man walks alone,
The goals known, the roads unknown,
In this world, man walks all alone,
The roads known and the goals unknown.

Life is a journey with no end,
a chance for you, it is godsend,
The roads wind endlessly, with uneven tones,
in this life and beyond, I walk ever alone.

I embark on the journey, many things on my mind,
trying to win at every chance I find,
Never did I think, what every win cost,
as I glanced behind, I knew I was lost.

The roads that I tread, I never meant to,
Though the goals I set had come true,
Endlessly still I fought through life,
Thinking, at the end, it would bring me respite

At the end of the road, at the start of the turn,
as I counted, what I had lost and earned,
The roads I tread, were lost in the mist,
as were the goals, t'was life's gist.

I took the turn and still walked alone,
what I lost and earned, it mattered no more,
I asked the Lord to lend me some help,
He smiled and said, its never too late.

I still tread the same road, I am still alone,
but I look ahead to the goals no more,
towards the sea, the river now flowed,
as alone I walked on the endless road.


Ajinkya Mate

Poem-- Life, A Dream

The life that we lead on this earth is just a dream that we are living subconsciously. The aforesaid line is the underlying principle on which the entire cosmic dream rests. We live through the dream and we dream on of great achievements, materialistic pleasures, sense indulgements and more. These all contribute to our karma and result in the never ending cycle of death and rebirth. Total emancipation of the soul from this recurrent and inescapable law is what the devotee aspires. Therefore the end comes not at his own death but at the death of the dream that he lives throughout his journey...

Life A Dream

In the dream of the dreams,
Life is but a dream,
Death is the cream,
Yet all enjoy the dream.

The Years fall back, as time passes,
in the deepest of slumbers I lie,
in my sleep I take on a thousand faces
oh this dream wont end, till the day I die.

And in the dreams I dream evermore,
stopping not but to glance at the golden shores,
Death for me is naught but a reprieve,
as i hasten to fulfill my dreams of yore.

The dreams come true, my joy knows no bounds,
as I crave for more never taking a look around.
Death came and struck me by,
it was then i knew, I had miles to fly

The dreams though fulfilled, don’t stem the tide,
futile proved those, who were by my side,
in the chaos of sleep, my peace was taken,
it was time, I said, I must awaken

The years fall back evermore
but, sleep comes to me seldom now,
ever call me the golden shores,
lo,behold, I dream no more.

For, at the death of the dream,
the soul, in life, finally realizes its cream,
fluid and sublime, it moves through time,
as it finally merges in the endless rhyme.


Ajinkya Mate

Poem-- The Springs Are Not Mine

There are days in our lives when we feel the utter temporarity of the joys and sorrows that we live in. We ever lead our life in pursuit of material happiness, and when we find it we realize that it is indeed very short lived. As does the poet in these lines discover the sheer worthlessness of the materialistic pursuits of life. As he turns his attention inwards and sets out in the pursuit of never-ending ecstatic bliss. The following lines appropriately depict the devotee embarking on the spiritual path foregoing the material pleasures in life.

The Springs Are Not Mine

Sitting alone on the coastal line,
I say I am fine...
Forget the blossoms,
The springs are not mine...

The days come and go by,
as do the trivial pursuits of life,
and searching in the blossoms you try,
a reason to live thy life.
The seasons depart as they come,
as daily does the sun,
day rolls into night,
as does life sharing the same plight.
As i sit and ponder,
trying to comprehend the god-given life,
a voice comes from over yonder,
calling for me in the starless nights.
He shows me a world far beyond the ordinary,
seeing it I marvel in wonder,
the perceptions turn dark and bleary,
as he shows me what’s down under.
A new flower blooms,
substantiated by the eternal light,
my doom, ever closer, no longer looms,
i prepare to take the endless flight.
The bird in ecstasy ever delights,
my joy no longer bound by the earthly spring,
I dream not in the starless nights,
filled with joy my voice ever sings.

The light of a thousand suns,
ever illumnes my body divine,
as i forget the blossoms, thankfully,
Thy springs are not mine.


Ajinkya Mate

Prologue to the Book

In today’s material world, it seems that people have forgotten about the spiritual world while chasing the various goals in the material world, just to prove that they are capable and not lagging behind. People have forgotten that the fulfillment of human life is in the union with the divine. A seeker on the spiritual path sees the world in a different way. The spiritual world is totally different and you have to experience the things to know them. This gives you immense pleasure that surpasses the trivial joys of this material world. Normally you can’t describe your experience in words as they are beyond that. But in these poems, I truly feel that the poet has found the pulse of a seeker & has given us a glimpse of the beautiful spiritual world. The poems come with a flow touching your heart as he narrates the difference between both the worlds. One also has an Idea about the very important role a Guru plays in a seekers journey…

Subtleties of Intuition

Well i just felt like wirting about this thing, as i had mentioned it only briefly in my previous writing. Intuition is really a hard subject to talk about considering the fact that about 70% of people think it to be crap. But well never Mind. Intuition is the one and only feeling that comes as a flash and not a s a series of thoughts. It sthe one thing that just floats into your mind as if coming from nowhere.. it has no process to it.. Because Intuition is just that.. ... A Quantum leap from points A to B.. there just is no visible path. That is one of the main reasons that the human intellect refuses to believe in intuition as it does not see any path of deduction and logic that it prefers. This same path of logic and deduction forms an inherent part of intellect and owing to that the intellect denies it. But thats just what intuition really is,. its a leap of your mind from the known to the unknowable na dit will come as an instant flash of blinding light. The one other thing that it observed about intuitintuition is that it needs no perception , it itself is in the fullest form of expression.. it needs no input from your mind to make it mean something. Whereas Intellet is considered, we need some sort of perception to get a final conclusion of the logical path of thought, and without that we just feel stupid. But intuition does not need human perception or human translation... it is always in its purest form.. as an expression. The other thing that i would love to write about is Intelligence.. the confluence of Intellect and intuition, the confluence of the head and the heart, in perfect co-ordination and chemistry. More on that sometimes later... Intelligence is something that consists both of the intellect and intuition, its creative and its aware... in its wholeness. and thats the way to be.

Transcending the Levels of Consciousness

Today i felt like writing about the levels of consciousness in every individual, and the various planes in which they lie. The human consciousness is basically divided into three categories, the sub-conscious, conscious and the super-conscious. People going through their daily chores and mundane life are in the conscious physical realm. When an individual sleep, he enters the sub-conscious realm, and last but definitely not the least, the elusive super-conscious realm where the individual can truly reach after years of meditation. the individual experiences super-conscious realm during deep meditation. More on that later...
The individual when in the sub-conscious realm of deep sleep, experiences the more subtle, astral plane through his dreams. There he visualizes all his desires and unfulfilled expectations roll out in a form of a movie, where he himself assumes the role of the unknowing spectator. The individual experiencing the super-conscious realm, also experiences the astral plane, but he beholds it in all of his thought and perception. he beholds it like he sees the physical plane. His consciousness is not in anyway missing from his body, but is altogether enhanced to include the astral plane in all its splendor. There he finds unmistakable calm and incomparable ecstasy, as he nears towards the final expression of undefined divinity that we call God.
As the individual through deep meditation enhances his consciousness, and experiences super-consciousness frequently, hie levels of sub-consciousness also begin to improve, he now is aware of his astral body while he dreams, he is aware of the dreams, he is actually in the dreams. Thus he enhances the consciousness to envelope his nighttime endeavors. Eventually there comes a moment in his life where, he no longer exists in the sub-conscious states, but through deep and relentless meditation transcends them all into super-consciousness, thus taking a big leap towards achieving the final communion with the ultimate and undefined divinity that we call God.
Such an individual is firmly rooted in the immovable bliss of his state of existence, his state of ecstasy is one which mere words fail to comprehend and explain.

Philosophy Has Its Uselessness

OK many people would disagree with me on this issue and seeing that most of my blog posting s are philosophical in nature, would make out me to be a hypocrite. But thats not the case, and well i don't care anyways :) so the thing that i wanted to state was that Philosophy if not backed up by any action is completely useless. Everyday i see people around me philosophize on life and take out grand conclusions about life and more, telling other people (who can bear with them) what life is all about.. Hell That makes me laugh,
philosophy is nothing but the intellectual pondering done by some very brainy and intellectual people(not necessarily intelligent people) on their take on things. and sometimes although it sounds very appealing and interesting, its nothing but hot air if not backed appropriately by action...

As a person once said,.. Philosophy is nothing but a series of thoughts that lead from nowhere to nothing. so even though they may sound great , they may inspire you, they may leave you ecstatic for the moment.. . they lead you nowhere and leave you with nothing more than awe.
So the one thing thats most important in life is action.. Creativity.. without which life is just like an empty shell.. and Creativity backed up by an intelligent philosophy really does wonders..

Instinct Intellect Intuition

Well i am back after a long hiatus from blogging, and i am here to say that i am back with a bang!!... so today our subject would be the three most important "I"s in the human life..
Instinct, Intellect and Intuition..

Well, my regular admirers, read on and for those of you who think that i am barking mad (and i know that there are a lot of you guys!), well what can i say,.. Read On!

Instinct Intellect Intuition.

These three words remind me of Osho Rajneesh's not so famous but oh-so trythful words. that Instinct lies deeper than intellect and Intuition lies higher than Intellect. THe synopsis of the same,.. read On!
well Instinct is what we may call, the bodily nature or the inbuilt and pre-programmed actions of the body like Eating, sleeping, drinking, breathing. These are things that are not goverend by the intellect and are purely body functions that the body unceremoniously and unconciously follows through with.
Intellect is what we may call a pure work of the brain,.. its the one thing that we covet the most,.. think it to be above all else, and indeed try and force it above all else,.. but sadly we fail!
and Intuition is something that is beyond the brain and the body, it is omething that comes straight from the heart itself,.. its is this intuition that takes you ever closer to realisaiotn,.. but only if you let it .. the human ego frequently manifests itself and then that results in the human mind categorically denying the fact of intuition and its emphasis in the human life.
We lead the mind to believe that everything in this world is within the mundane reaches of the human intellect... and oh my god,.. How wrong are we!
Intuition is the one thing, the one road, the one means to know the Unknowable,.. and pay attention when i say Unknowable.. not the Unknown,,... it has the power to manifest the unknowable to the human soul...
But sadly we are so plagued by our own thoughts and falsified pretenses of our supposed intelligence that we find things like intuition to be a hoax,.. and then we convince our mind (which in fact is nothing but the energy dissipation between the heart and the brain, .. i.e. the difference and the similarity in the heart and the brain) to deny this fact,..
But if truth be told,.. intuition is an advanced state of super-consciousness, and having it and knowing it and being constantly aware of it, only takes us a step closer to the final realization and the final expression of the undefined divinity that we call GOD.

Will update soon...
till then,..

Impersonal Introspection

Well , as my blog is described as an impersonal rendition of life, i thought that it would be but natural for me to describe some impersonal things over here. The word impersonal in this context does not mean non-private or non-personal in any way. It just means taking the personal Ego out of the(e) equation..get my drift. On doing so, you will find that you get answers to many questions in your life and frankly, there comes a point where questions cease to exist. The Ego is in fact a wonderful and intricate thing to behold. (we will be referring to it in third person) and thats saying something as its the root of most of man's problems. Man continually feeds his Ego with his supposed perceptions about himself and the society. The society itself is in no way the innocent preceptor, as it also continually, through its conditioning, molds the individual's Ego. This same Ego, prevents man from making honest and impersonal judgments about himself. He in turn goes out and judges the rest of the society, considering himself to be above judgment. This pattern is followed by nearly ninety percent of the people.
This egotistic nature prevents man to progress down the spiritual path. he cannot interrogate himself freely without feeling very bad about himself, which naturally he does not like. This in turn results in the individual stopping the interrogation and looking outwards, rather than inwards. He feels it necessary to place the blame on others rather than himself. Thus in the end, he solves no problems, but only increases his headaches by bickering about them. The onnyl way out of this quagmire is the relentless and continuous impersonal introspection from the indivual himslef. This must include the person totally taking his Ego out of the equation and finding the answers to the problems he faces within himself. Chances are that he will find them, as most of the time he himself is the cause of those problems. He must continuously burn himself in the fires of relentless introspection. Though he will face intolerable pain in the beginning, as his true face comes to light, the results, believe me will be worth it.

More Later...

Random Ponderings

well,.. as a person, and that to a person who has ample of time at his disposal,.. i usually go on thinking about some things in life, and as to what life teaches us,.. one of the interesting observations that i came by was that concerning love,.. i mean after looking at it in its entirity we realise that love has to end in sadness and tragedy,.. i mean just look at it, you love someone and you start a relationship with the same person,.. either it works or it fails,.. it fails it ends in sorrow ,.. it works.. you are bound to have bad patches and the ultimate parting,.. thats just the way it is,.. cause as far as relationships are concerned ,.. the novelty and the life of it fizzles out in a matter of moments,.. and then we come to realise how extremely stupid we were, putting so much of an emphasis on a thing which was never that big a deal anyways,..
so then again we come to the same way,.. same direction,.. that to be succesfull in love is never possible,.. it is not an option,.. its just something that you have to loose at,.. and loose genially that too. well so as i said before,.. just love without expectations and without any aspirations fromt the feeling ,.. just feel the moment of love.. the human mind is always in a hurry to obtain something solid and stable,.. a thing that he can call "his" with all his might,.. what is this? nothing but the manifestation and the fulfillment of your ego,.. just try and experience the moment and leave it at that,.. dont try and get something out of it, that you know is going to be meaningless and futile,... then only will you be able to experience the true state of blissfullness and ecstacy, that no one can take away from yourself,..

Till Next Time,



Well, this is a subject that strikes a chord with me and is frequently a subject of my ardent discussions with anyone that bothers to do indulge me... A few days ago, a friend of mine genially told me that he really appreciated people who did booze and stuff,.. as according to him that was the only way that the person could forget "himself" (and no marks for guessing that he is a drunkard!). And then i got into my usual frenzy and told him off,.. saying that to forget onself one need not go into the bar and numb his nerves by drowning himself in alchohol and other intoxications. I told him that the gist of life lies not in being intoxicated and forgetting "yourself" but in being aware and discovering yourself,.. i told him that if taken with a certain attitude,.. there was nothing ever in this world as intoxicating and at the same time as fulfilling and magnanimous as life.. and that the only reason that people search outside for intoxication and comfort was that they were afraid. Scared that perhaps the revelations that they would make about themselves would deal them a blow so hard, that they could not possibly get up again,.. afaraid that thier way of living life would leave upoun them a scar so ugly that they could never bother to look at themselves again... but then again the only way to get through life is to look at it as it is and get up and live life to the fullest by being contented each and every single moment of life. Intoxication is just escaping the problems of life for the time being... The only way to live life is to try and be creative each and every moment of your life,.. rediscover yourself each second , die every moment so that you can live every moment like a virgin. Untouched... Pure... and Blissful,.. and then you will find that life itself is filled with so much ecstacy and Bliss that, it will be the only intoxication you will ever need...

Drafting People's Psychic path

Well One of my favorite hobbies is to make a careful observation of the way people think. The varied thinking ways of the human mind can, and frequently do portray the haplessly conditions in which the human mind is always trapped. All the conclusions to the question that any person asks another person are already made up in the formers’ mind. They are the collective result of all the conditioning and experiences that gather upon the mind not unlike the way dust gets accumulated on any object that has no dynamicity in it. Sometimes I muse to myself, if this actually deviates us from the truth or from the true state of life. It makes me wonder if by seeing things through our own point of view, do we actually discard any possible alternatives or inferences to the same thing? I wonder many a times if in our haste to draw conclusions, we draw the wrong ones, and then are woefully ignorant of the people who try to convince us otherwise. And finally it makes me think that is it due to this same conditioning and mind warp that people are atheists? The thoughts that people hold so dear to themselves, so close that they form an inseparable part of their whole life, if shattered can bring about a whole lot of sorrow and discomfort… So then again, the source of all the sorrow, the man himself! So what do we do? WE learn and observe life from moment to moment, without the burden of thoughts and experiences weighing us down, with a free mind. A mind free of all the sorrows, all the happiness, all the sadness of the past, a mind that is just observant of the present. Then you will find that each and every second life teaches you something, and do you know what it is?

To live in the moment.

The Divinity of Music

Well I thought that i should have a place to post the random thoughts and musings of my idle mind. So along came this blog. The first post is something that i have to make memorable and heart-rending. (hoping someone does read it!) So i have decided to write about music. i mean what else can be more touching and memorable and unforgettable than music. it weilds a power over all our minds, a power which makes us muse about things we never thought we could think about. Through my extensive (do take my comments with a tad sense of humour) research i have nearly concluded that the kind of music that appeals to wach and every one of us depends on the thinking patterns of our mind and our general tendencies. For example a person who likes to assert himself and his opinions in a forceful way or is a bit rebellious might prefer the likes of hardrock and metal over more finer elements like jazz or (well i cant think of anything else but you do get the point dont you!). Be as it may, it has the power to take us to dizzying heights. Well more on this later. Be it anything melancholy, anger, bliss, happiness, ecstacy, passion, parody or all of the other unmentioned moods of a human mind, music can touch all of them and more. A perfect companion in the solitude or chaos of ones life.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Blog Will Be Updated Soon

Hye Guys.. My blog has been taken down by me following some unforeseeable circumstances. The same will be up in a few days...