Thursday, November 19, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
The Last Pilgrimage Sneak Peek

The Last Pilgrimage catapults one in a divine experience for it is not simply a story, but a real expression of a soul's spiritual journey and the subtle relationship between a master and his disciple going beyond time immemorial. Its the story of the overflowing love of a master who returns again and again searching for his disciple with the ultimate goal of creating a ‘Master’ like himself. It is a story of the agony and complexities of human life, the relationships and the freewill that each of us has, to shape our destiny.
The ‘Last Pilgrimage’ unfolds as do the petals of a flower with the warmth of the sun, riveting our attention as we flow through the story, unconsciously self identifying with one of the three characters. That is the beauty of this unique creation as only through these three individuals, it makes us aware of the dilemma faced by all those who earnestly tread on this spiritual journey and the pitfalls encountered by the One undertaking it…
Of all the journeys that you undertake in life, your last one shall be within yourself...
Divinity finds a form as a soul finds its expression in this work of art…
Coming Soon...
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Everyday, I see people walking on the street,
absorbed in themselves, with none to greet.
And I muse to myself, who might reside in their hearts,
and who do they think of, their day when they start.
The answers I find within myself for I am,
naught but one of them, although a different man.
For in my heart I see a face of naught but one,
the face that I turn to, in shade or in the sun.
The face you may think, is the one whom I love,
for you are right my friend, its my solitary cove.
But thy assumptions may take a hit from here on,
for my beloved, my dear has no shape or form.
Courted her I have, since times ancient more,
when I ravaged and mauled, many a more treasure troves.
but I found her in my heart, and then I looked no more,
in my surroundings for her divine and blessed shores.
But my story for now, we will put to the side,
as we get back to the man, who prefers to be snide,
as he hears me speak about the God so great,
so for the time let me now set the record straight.
You may believe in Him or you may turn aside,
and you may ignore Him, when chance unites you one time.
But cognize this, that but for Him, your life has no port,
to dock its rocking boat, there is no stronger a fort.
You may be a shade better and see Him in a form,
besides which you know naught, about Him in other genre,
You may also read the texts that speak of His deeds,
when once He walked the earth to cater for thy needs.
Still you may go out a limb, and curse all who differ,
all those who worship an other form, you see bitter.
An I say to thee that His mercy on you was lost,
for you still prefer to live in duality at great cost.
Cognize this now, that there is no different One,
Jesus and Krishna are both images of the same sun.
So worship Him for what He is and that’s naught but all,
and in time you shall get His worthy mating call.
And now to those who think, how can they pray,
how can they attain his divine grace on their way,
For their daily lives, they life through a deathly strife,
and how can they be at peace, on the edge of a knife.
And I Say to thee, that the answer is not far,
for keep Him ever in you heart, endlessly as you spar.
And that alone shall get you across till the end,
for His grace on you shall shower, when in reverence you bend.
And then you may ask, why he tests us all,
why does he make us take fall upon fall.
And I say to thee that its but a test of your will,
as he prefers that your ego not straddle you still.
For your ego is the one, the greatest of all,
the reason it shall be for your rise and fall,
your fall, because your ego cares for not but itself,
and your rise when it cognizes that there never was a self.
There never was a duality existing beforehand,
and you yourself create it, when proudly you stand,
for even when you worship, you are devoted entirely not,
for the worshiper and the worshiped still stand at different spots.
I say not to thee, that thou art the Great One yet,
but come one day you shall know, the truth greatest
That there exist in this dream naught but a single truth,
when the dreams end for you, and your soul bears fruit.
For there is none that fills the void, but the great One,
for a void in this world there exists none,
save for your heart, where the ego still reigns,
and save for your mind, whom the duality ever maims.
So today I say to thee, give Him a chance,
as I invite you to open your hearts and drop the ego's lance.
for all your sorrows, you shall find deliverance
For In Him we shall find peace and eternal providence.
Ajinkya Mate
Monday, January 14, 2008
Lady of Destiny...
O great lady of destiny, today i call thee,
to place thy cold hands upoun me,
to bear me up in thy arms and fly me far away,
and consummate my life, i ask thee today.
Place thy hands upoun my clammy arms,
and in a hug, heal me, of all my lasting qualms,
Place thy lips upoun my parched mouth,
so the world may see through this verse uncouth.
Thou art said to be the bane of humanity,
though a night in thee would last me an eternity.
And the world, though it may fear and shun you,
My love I shall hold thee like the woods of yew.
I courted many a lass, once in my lives,
yet you were ever there, bearing witness with thy eyes,
That thou were in the end my only lasting muse,
and in your eyes would this life lose its allure.
And to this day, my beloved, I knew this not,
that you were my only solace, my peace, never sought,
But now i cognize thee to be greater than all,
though you may prove to be my only lasting fall.
Yet why deep within myself, the fire still burns,
though you have ravaged me countless times to date,
Tis' a travesty, O greatest lady of all living fates,
that they would still find no peace beyond thy gates.
For in thy arms, while they last, lasting peace they get,
and in thy bosom, they bury themselves and thier fates,
Till a day comes when, tired of them all, you now shun,
away from those souls as a new web is now spun.
And then you cast them aside into the valley deep,
to earn and learn and make and break, and ever reap,
all the sins commited, but in thy kiss unmade,
still though the tears may dry, the memory never fades.
And you leave those wretched men, to be by themselves,
as you court a thousand more, thy fidelity now fails,
Still though you may be a whore that ravages men,
in thee peace can be found, that i miss by this glen.
So i ask thee to come and bear me far away,
where the winds of fate, wont hold me in sway,
but this time I beg thee for an everlasting kiss
O Death ! Now bear me forever on thy lips...
Ajinkya Mate
Monday, December 10, 2007
O Lone Tramp
O Lonely tramp, a word to warn thy heart,
as you now unravel, the mystery,’ tis a bart,
For greater wisdom and power it shall beget,
and leave you alone it shall on the lively wreck.
The path of realization, is paved with blood,
that you shed silently, though your life it floods,
And the world when it turns to you, at every fit,
in your heart you bleed a river, though none see it.
For though you may end up to be, the greatest of all,
and you may save and mend, many a deathly fall,
Still the weight of all your burdens none can bear,
As you take on the weight, of each of the worlds cares.
And the world shall know it not, and they never shall,
see the bloody heart, for they stand in thrall,
of their own lives, that lead them far away,
from the heavenly father, they ever stand in sway.
For they ever remain within, their own selves,
and they realize not, whither their qualms dwell,
As they seek each and every answer from thy heart,
ever they fail to know, its unhealed healing art.
But you know better for your own self this,
that your heart bleeds for them though, seldom missed
They live out a happy dream, with winning smiles,
for you walk with a bleeding heart, all their dark miles.
And they shall know it not, till the end of all ends,
a place where, with time, all hurts may mend,
and there perchance, your heart may stand at last,
bereft of its sorrow, as it breathes its last.
And the pain that you bore, with yourself to the end,
shall mar you not for its not yours but was lent,
to you as you bore it for those that you loved,
and in their smiles your heart was healed of its qualms.
And know this in the end, o great king of kings,
in your greater self, I spread my meager wings.
And my heart though now it bleeds, at peace it remains,
for thy robe shall be spared of a few more stains.
Ajinkya Mate
Saturday, November 17, 2007
My Hall
The poet in these lines truly understands, that at one point in his life, he must abandon all the illusions and all the images in his heart if he is to truly remain happily ever after...
My palatial hall lies now empty and lone,
Gone are the minstrels and the figures of stone,
Gone are the jesters, and the lights that shone,
At the end, in my hall, I stand alone.
The days of exuberance, that once reigned supreme,
its grandeur and elegance, immortal i deemed.
But time dealt a blow, more crushing than it seemed
and disaster struck swiftly, unexpected , unseen.
IN those halls so rich, i indulged many more,
too late was its treachery brought to the fore.
In those hall so rich, i died a million times,
yet i still preferred to walk the same lines.
IN those halls i courted many mistresses demure,
downed and dunked, was I by their endless lure.
but in then as i stand lone, i am now sure,
that all it did was to kill, my will so pure.
IN those halls, where my soul found its true wealth,
endlessly as i indulged, it died a million deaths.
IN those deaths itself, it found a new life,
as ignorant of the battles, i walk the edge of the knife.
With time though the halls seemed a bit redundant,
for i could only indulge so much and then abandon.
But my heart now seeked its peace naught in lust or greed,
as in it now sprouted, fresh love's seed.
And for that moment, my hall was filled with one,
save for her, i now had eyes for none.
My soul willed itself, to let me live this lie,
as it knew one day, my aspirations had to die.
And i enjoyed and was happy like never before,
as i forgot and forgave myself for my acts of yore,
A clumsy peace i had sought with my heart,
for i feared to lose that which loved like an art.
The peace though restless lived out its days,
as we both went again in our different ways.
Once again i said, we shall meet under the sun,
when both our hearts, yearn for not but the One.
My sights now set on the one above,
once who i thought would shower me with love.
but in that moment i felt forever stalled,
for gone was the will, and now empty was my hall.
In that moment fraught with evil and peril great,
I felt Him come for me, with a kingly gait.
I had no words, as my face with shame burned,
though for those pretentious halls, i no longer yearned.
And He said to me,"All for you is not lost",
for redemption in itself, comes at great cost.
But lost was my heart as i gazed in the stream,
for disdain filled me at the sight of my hollow dreams.
But he said to me, "Redeem yourself you will",
for in realisation only lies forgiveness still.
He steadied my heart with His gentle calls,
as His image so divine filled my listless hall.
But he said to me, a new age shall dawn soon,
for you shall know the whole secret at your doom.
and then you shall relate to me the tale of your fall,
and if you still felt a need, to fill your empty hall.
And now when i stand at the turn of my life,
and the game take a new turn with a roll of the dice.
for the lack of an illusion no longer stalls my heart,
as my Hall now lies empty as it was since the start.
Ajinkya Mate